Thursday, February 07, 2008

Always Something New

I keep learning new things about lymphoma as I go along - today I found out about Lymphoma Heart Dogs, a Yahoo support group. It's only for dogs in chemotherapy, or who have been, or who are scheduled to start. I guess there's tension between those who believe in chemo and those who don't. Anyway, I've joined, to see what else I can find out.

I've also been reading about lymphoma in humans. I was told by the oncologist we saw at Cambridge Vet School that the typology of lymphoma was not as well understood in dogs as it is in humans. In humans, there is something called "indolent lymphoma", which is not particularly responsive to chemo, but equally, is not aggressive in its spread. I'm wondering if Herbie has something of the kind.

I'm back to chewing my nails, and reading things. It's a form of escape, always reading, but it's all I can really do right now. Herbie's skin has gone all loose, as if it's coming away from his body. He's lost most of his muscle mass from the prednisone, but up till now, his skin has stayed firm. Now, when I groom him, it's as if all his skin is just floating away from his bones, but there's nothing in between to anchor it.


Ari_1965 said...

I'm sorry about the skin change. That sounds awful.

People in internet groups can be wonderful and educational. But sometimes people in internet groups have axes to grind and care more about those axes than anything. Some of this latter category also lack social skills. So don't let anyone yell at you because you aren't following THEIR way of doing things. You and your vets know Herbie best.

Anonymous said...

I hope you find the Yahoo group useful. I joined a couple, but I found that they were predominantly US based and whilst I got some useful information, I found the style a little hard to deal with at times. That's not a criticism of the posters - just a cultural difference.

I remember there was a lot of talk about various types of Lymphoma when Prince was being diagnosed - B & T cells, larger and smaller cells, more agressive forms, and less responsive forms. Have you had tests done to establish whether it's B or T cell that you're dealing with? I think I recall that T cell lymphoma was less responsive to chemotherapy, but I may be wrong. I'm still trying to forget much of the knowledge I would have rather not have had to gain....

Fiona said...

Handh, all I can say is that I feel for you and Herbie. Thoughts are with you both. Does he feel OK?

HandH said...

Graham, I did ask what sort, and got the "typology isn't well-defined" spiel, which either means they don't know, or it's bad news. I'll ask my vet again on Monday. Fiona, he's feeling OK, I think, but he's changed shape - guess I'm worrying about externals, and his mood/sense of well-being is more important.