Monday, August 23, 2010

No teefies

I've been trying to sneak up on Herbie to show you that he's got no front teeth any more, but he keeps catching me, and rolling over so that I can't get a close shot. The gums over his front teeth had receded quite badly, so his little incisors had to go. He also lost the carnassial on his lower left side. Now, when he's happy, his jaw vibrates but his teeth don't chatter. It's sad. But his teeth aren't brown any more, and that's a huge improvement.

Now, every evening, I have to try and remove any food from his teeth with a cotton bud dipped in chlorhexidine mouthwash. When the vet first suggested it, I thought "Touting for more business, are we? Bowel surgery next time?" Herbie has a long history of eating toothbrushes, tubes of toothpaste, trying to swallow the little rubber finger brush (but fortunately, although it went down his windpipe, he coughed it up again. ) Things I have learned from brushing his teeth: aluminium from metal toothpaste tubes will dissolve in hydrochloric acid. Dogs' stomachs contain concentrated hydrochloric acid. And also, greyhounds are big enough that a snapped-off toothbrush head will pass straight through. Things I wish I had not had to learn: see above.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear about your adventures in doggie dental care! Hmmmm... missing front teeth... can whistle now?