Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In Pink - and In Disgrace

Holly is all snuggly and warm in her new nightwear. However it will be a while before she gets anything else new - I've just had to pay a vet's bill (or half of one) for a neighbour's cat.

We were walking up our driveway at dusk on Friday, returning from a walk, with Holly still on the lead. Suddenly she lurched sideways at the hedge, and then stepped back dragging a cat by one back leg. I grabbed Holly's collar and made her drop it, and the cat ran off. I put a note through the neighbour's letterbox to say "if your cat has bitemarks on its leg, I'm sorry but it was us". Saturday the neighbour turns up with a vet bill for x-rays and painkillers - her elderly frail cat with a number of medical conditions now has a broken pelvis. The vet didn't think the cat would survive a general anaesthetic, but he thinks the pelvis will heal OK if the cat rests up.

Fortunately the neighbour was able to say "It was cats and dogs being cats and dogs" - she can't keep her cat out of my garden, and I can't guarantee my dogs won't lunge at cats hiding in the hedge, so we agreed to go halves on the bill. Even so. Holly had better not demolish any more cats. We were very lucky the cat survived.


ari_1965 said...

Oh, gosh, that must have been hundreds of dollars!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Holly's new pajamas!!!! Is that Shaun the Sheep from Wallace & Gromit's A Close Shave?

Sorry to hear about the vet bill. Ben once attacked an elderly dog at the kennel costing us $300. We threatened to make him get a job!

Hope you and Herbie are doing well, too!

Anonymous said...

Stella not only looks like Holly but my guess is had Stella gotten a look at that cat, I would have been footing the tab for the funeral. I guess this it to say it could have been worse--and it's good news your neighbor was reasonable about it all.

Holly looks pretty in pink. Bless her little cowdoggie heart.

HandH said...

I think it might be Shaun the Sheep - it certainly looks like him. Sorry to hear about Ben attacking another dog, but glad to know it's not just me that has a misbehaving dog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the note. Oh, and he was banned from the kennel! Bridget was welcome back anytime (she's an angel) but not big bad Ben!

Do you know the Jim Croce song, Big Bad Leroy Brown who was "meaner than a junkyard dog"? Well, we now (lovingly) call Ben our Junkyard Dog.

Hiking Hounds said...

She looks super cute, and innocent, in her pink pj's.