Monday, April 04, 2011

April At Last

... and Herbie's still here. I've been offline for a couple of weeks, trouble with my broadband and my PC, but I've patched up something and can finally get my net addiction fed again. It's only when you can't view anything online that the twitching sets in... Holly is looking sleek and glossy on her new diet. I finally realised she is somewhat allergic to chicken, and since I cut chicken out of her diet completely, her fur has become incredibly silky. I can't believe it took me so long to realise. It's been a dry spring, but even so, Herbie is creaking a bit, so he's on a double dose of Cortaflex to see if that helps at all. He's an old boy now. Which is what I always wanted to see.


ari_1965 said...

Chicken seems to be difficult for a lot of dogs these days. I sometimes wonder if it's really the chemicals used in chicken production that they're reacting to. I mean, if the food was made with entirely free-range, no chemicals, truly organic chicken, would the dog still be reactive to it? I don't know. It's just something I wonder about.

Glad to read that you've got your internet back.

I'm blogging now at I dumped the old blog.

LSF said...

It's always great to hear from you. I love that Herbie is an old man now. You guys have been through so much...

HandH said...

Thanks, guys, and Ari, thanks for the update - I went looking for you once I got online again, and you were gone. I thought something bad - or worse than usual - had happened to you, so much relieved to find out it was a change of blog.