Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

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Corey~living and loving said...


happy WW!

Ari_1965 said...

Ah, well. What's a roll of toilet paper between friends?

Emily and the Labradors said...

There wasn't any prednisone involved, was there by any chance? Not that we know anything about that over here...

Anonymous said...


Thanks for stopping by on Monday. Herbie and Hollie are beautiful!! Cole, Bridget and I are sending good thoughts your way that Herbie (assuming that he's the guilty party) have many, many, many more opportunities to shred the toilet paper!

Take care,

Lesley Rigby said...

It looks to me as if someone enjoyed themselves! Just a little bit more housework for you............

Fiona said...

Good old Herbie! Don't you just love 'em?? ;o)
Handh, I have something for you at mine. Come and have a look.

HandH said...

This one was Holly :-) One of those classic moments when you reach for the loo-roll and isn't there. So where is it? Ahh.