Sunday, August 14, 2011

Another wet summer

... I don't know why I'm surprised, it is England, after all.

Herbie is more arthritic when it's raining, so he's spent much of the time in his favourite horizontal pose. I've been painting things, moving furniture round and re-organising the house ready for winter. I've just bought a pair of Yaktrax as well - the theory is, they stop you slipping on icy roads. Last winter Holly was tugging to hurry me on, while I took little tiny steps, tottering like an eighty-year old in stilettos, holding on the hedge for balance.

My sister's finished chemo, and her hair is growing back. She looks as fuzzy as a baby chick. Probably not the image she's going for, but she's also still here.


Hiking Hounds said...

I'm so glad your sister is done with chemo. I hope she continues to feel better. Hope it stops raining soon so Herby feels better.

Anonymous said...

As I say, "When all else fails, take a nap!" Good for you Herbie. We have had a wet year in Seattle as well -- the house smells musty-er than usual. Here's to a few warm days before the snow flies!

I'm happy to hear that your sister is through with chemo. My thoughts are with her. Baby chicks are adorable and I'm sure she is too!


Anonymous said...

Herbiekins is doing what Greys do best: lay still and horizontal! Good to hear that your sister completed chemo and that he hair is beginning to come back in--sounds like she will need it for the winter too. :)

Warm hugs to you and Herbiekins from sunny California.

ari_1965 said...

Yaktrax are good. The ones with the strap across the toe are exactly the same as the regulars, but when they slip off they don't fall off altogether.

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Hiking Hounds said...

Glad your sister is done with chemo and I hope she's feeling better. Hopefully Herbie is feeling a little better too. I got some Yaktrax last winter and they really helped. :-)