Sunday, August 17, 2008

Never Quite As Planned

I was going to take a photo to prove how well-furred Herbie's hind end is. When I try and take a front-end photo of him, all I ever get is a rear view, as he runs away, so this should have been easy. But no, Holly runs in front. Then he follows me round with the camera, blinking sleepily into the lens.

Then I remind him he was 8 and a third yesterday! He remembers, and runs upstairs.


Lesley Rigby said...

A really laughed at this post. Typical. Just typical!!

Ari_1965 said...

Did you tell Herbie that you wanted the photo of his furry butt so you could post it on your blog? Maybe he thinks photos of his tush should be kept for family only.

Fiona said...

I want to kiss that furry behind !!!

Linda Seid Frembes said...

He is looking absolutely fantastic!