Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Not Chemo Week 18

We've reached the end of the line, as far as chemo goes. The last time, Herbie was weak for a fortnight after the treatment, but the lumps only stayed down for a couple of days. I talked things through with the vet, and he felt that it's not a good sign that Herbie's not bouncing back from the chemo. There's a risk each time with the doxorubicin, and it's better that we leave him as he is now, happy and wanting walks, though with a lumpy neck, rather than making him downright miserable for little progress.

In theory, 80 per cent of dogs achieve remission with chemo - for the stats to work out, there has to be another 20 per cent, and unfortunately Herbie's in that group. So, all I can do now is feed him lumps of chicken, and enjoy the time we have left.


Linda Seid Frembes said...

Hello Herbie and Mom,
Best wishes to you both for a better 2008. Enjoy the long walks and the time you have together.

-Linda and Angel Watson (

Ari_1965 said...

I'm sorry.

Emily and the Labradors said...

Oh Herbie! That's not the news that any of us wanted to hear :( I'm glad you still feel good and want to go for walks though!

Lesley Rigby said...

Oh Handh that is so sad. His greatest comfort now is going to be you just loving him and being there for him. Have some good walks and Golden Times. xxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the chemo's not working for him. It's good that he's still happy and enjoying his walks though - and perhaps more important than anything. I think quality over quantity is the key - and you have time to enjoy each others company, give him as much chicken as he wants, and kiss him every ten seconds. I'm sure you'll make the most of it. G, P & T xxx

Fiona said...

Oh Handh, Herbie, miracles DO happen and I am praying for one to happen for you.
Grahams is right though, quality over quantity....
Lots of love and hugs for you all xxxx

HandH said...

Thank you all - I was pretty upset at the vets, but then I caught the end of a programme on Radio 4, where a man had been diagnosed with a terminal illness and was asked if he was depressed. He said, "No, the time I have left is too precious for that."

Paul said...

Hello Herbie and mom,
We plan a preclinical study to prevent adverse heart failure due to chemo in dogs with the Univ Penn Vet School. I hope 2008 will bring long-awaited results.
Paul (mitergy)