Friday, November 30, 2007

A little light reading

Yes, it's the Donoughue Report. The one that's supposed to have the welfare of greyhounds at its heart, the one that's supposed to stop the greyhound racing industry from going down the tubes because people keep moaning about all the dead greyhounds.

Unfortunately, it spends so much time reassuring the current club members they'll all still have jobs (and look, there's a corner office with a swivelly leather chair), that it fails to get to grips with some of the real issues. For example, the number of greyhounds that end up in dog pounds every year. If they banned every owner and trainer with a dog registered to them that wound up on the council's death row, there would be a big gap in the ranks. Not surprising they don't want to follow up that issue.

Then there's the weeny issue of no one actually having any authority over the independent tracks (I guess the name is a bit of a giveaway). Without legislation, no one will have. So, the ex-NGRC, henceforth the JFBC (Jobs For the Boys Club), think they could self-regulate, while someone else checks up on the independents. And that would be fine, as long as no one ever checks up on the JFBC. Because they've done such a fine job of policing themselves all these years. And promising to politicians that they will, and politicians being daft enough to believe them.

Both Holly and Herbie were dumped - Holly was pulled from the pound at the 11th hour, while Herbie spent six weeks at a vets, he was in such poor condition. I'm not about to believe any promises on welfare, I want to see legislation and criminal convictions.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more - a great post.

How's Herbie getting on?

Fiona said...

Well said HandH. I used to help out at a rescue centre that was often overun with discarded greyhounds. Absolutely criminal.

HandH said...

Thank you - he's a little more cheerful now we're cutting back on the prednisolone. He wanted to go for a longer walk this morning, and I feel better. I think we've just got a bit of work to do fine-tuning the level he can tolerate.

Lesley Rigby said...

Yes, I agree it is despicable the way they are discarded once their job is through. I would love to "string the people up" who are so brutal with these lovely dogs.

It is good to hear Herbie was keen to walk - you only need to see some improvement in them and your morale shoots up! Kisses on velvet ears xxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged! Don't worry, it's an easy one if you'd like to have a look at my latest post....